Recents in Beach


 A home is a place where one lives especially with one’s family; an institution for people needing care or rest. In a simple way, a home is a combination of husband and wife with or without children. But I pray that your home will bring the fruit of the womb, amen.

Home is an interdenominational institution of God where men and women are joined together to become. Home is a school of life where children are taught and instructed in the way of God. It is a place where the things of heaven make known to the children and all the entire family plan and taking serious step to be with their institutor at the end of their journey on earth.

To be sincere with ourselves, our need a serious prayer to accomplish all these and other blessings that had been reserve for our home. The following are the facts we should know about praying for our home:

Two third (2/3) of problems in the house is caused by poor prayer life from both party.
  1. A praying home is a peaceful home that will always see peaceful atmosphere all the times.
  2. Homes become a successful in anything the couples did when they engage in prayer life.
  3. Home is like a garden that needs to be cultivating all the time in order to be free from weeds and peril that can destroy it. Your prayer is what you need to cultivate your home from perils of time.
  4. The best thing to spend on your spouse or children is prayer.
  5. A prayer-less home is a broken home. That is, a home that refuses to pray may leads to broken home.
  6. The praying family wisely rule their home and reap its benefits.
  7. The very nature of a home is builds a relationship in which two people can know each other and pray for each other.
  8. Our relationship with each other in home through prayer will reflect our relationship with God.
  9. For any home to be perfectly okay in God’s master plan for home, the couples must engage in prayer life.
  10. The easiest way that open door for satanic operation in home is lack of prayer life of the couple.
  11. When there is home without prayer, there will be pieces in the home.
  12. The easiest way to correct your children or spouse is through prayer that you render for him.
  13. The presence of God and the atmosphere of heaven will always present at a home that have backbone of prayers (Matthew 18:20).
  14. The easiest way to make your home remain healthy without consulting diviners or doctors is through prayer life.
  15. The only way to bring down what God has for your family is through prayer (Matthew 18:19).
  16. A prayerful home is a FREE ZONE for the agents of darkness.
  17. The only way to be powerful in the hand of any satanic oppression is through prayer life.
  18. All things are possible with the couples that engage in prayer.
  19. Any home that takes prayer as number one daily duty will always be number one in any where they are for good.
 Prayer Points:

  1. All the oppression from any darkness world against my home is totally destroy with Holy Ghost fire in Jesus name.
  2. All the foundation of satanic kingdom that had been replacing the foundation of Jesus in my family is totally collapse today in Jesus name.
  3. I shook my home into the Blood of Jesus in Jesus name.
  4. I reclaim all the blessing, health, promotion and fruitfulness from above upon my home in Jesus name.
  5. The original love between me and my spouse is restore back today in Jesus name.
  6. Any plan of the devil against my home is terminated today in Jesus name.
  7. My home, begin to arise and shine because your set time as come in Jesus name.
  8. Every good thing is possible for us to accomplish in my home as from today henceforth in Jesus name. Thanks and remain bless in Jesus name, amen. 

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