Recents in Beach



TEXT: Revelation 12:7-12, Proverbs 17:1, Proverbs 21:9, 19, Proverbs 25:24, Proverbs 15:1-2.

Conflict can be term a disagreement, argument, fight or a battle. Conflict is a fact of life and the Bible made us to understand that there was war in heaven where God dwells. The war in heaven was won by God and the battle shifted ground to the earth but we are assured of victory because God won the battle and the greater on live inside of us. 1 John 4:4. There is no home without conflict but the conflict varies according to the maturity of the spouse. When the family of Job went through tough times, the wife asked her husband to curse God and die. Job 2:9. After you marry, you and your spouse will occasionally have challenges and you may disagree to agree.


i.             SOME WEDDING GIFTS:  At the wedding at Cana of Galilee, important and essential people like Jesus and his disciples were there but today the people at our wedding may bring gifts of doom. A testimony was given concerning couples after finishing wedding and as they were sleeping in the night, they heard one of the gifts making noise and as they woke up, the gift was moving and spoke and said, “The peace of this marriage has been exchanged”. That is why you must pray over all wedding gifts before it becomes your own. Things like that can be a source of conflict in the home since their peace was an exchange for their marital peace. In one crusade we had in plateau state too, it was discovered that the wall clock they gave as wedding gift became their reason of not giving birth.

ii.           Difference in background Ephesians 5:21. When two people come together two cultures collide. Each from a home with a way of doing their things which both will hold as the right thing to do. One may be from the village and the other from the city. The other may like noise and quietness.

iii.        Gender differences. The other is a man and the other a woman.  Men and women are not only different physically but also mentally, physiologically and psychologically. Some of the problem may be traced to cultural conditioning and world views. Women are emotional beings while men are logical being.

iv.         Personality differences or temperament. Their temperament may differ; one may be an extrovert and the other introvert. Somebody may like red color and the other blue color etc.

v.           The more you stay together, the more the differences will magnify; that is you will get to know it better

vi.         Foundational problems. If the right partner is not choosing, the problem becomes more difficult to contend with. If the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do? Psalms 11:3.

vii.      Communication problems. Proverbs 15:1-2. Communication is the life board of the marriage. Without good communication the marriage may become unhappy if not completely dissolved. Husbands and wife must talk together if the marriage will succeed. The aim of the communication is for each of them to be encouraged. You must choose your words carefully. Colossians 4:6. By your words you will be condemn and by your word you will be justified. Mathew 12:37. The tongue is very difficult to control, be careful with it. James 3:1-12. Communication is a challenge and understanding involves patience, insight, and effort. To say the right thing at the right time, you need to keep still most of the time. It is no coincidence that God created you with two ears but only one mouth; meaning your listening should be more than your talking. James 1:19.

viii.    There was war in heaven that shifted to the earth. Evil forces may be the source of your conflict. Revelation.12:7-12.

ix.        Secrecy in the home. The family doing hide and seek game to one another. Imagine a wife with a plot of land and a house but they are living in a rented apartment with her husband. Salaries and incomes are hid from one another.

x.           Children can be a source of conflict. The lack of children can cause conflict and when children come they can be a source of conflict if each wants to pull them to his/ her side. Genesis 27:1-10.

xi.        Money and material possessions 1Timothy 6:10. All must be seen as belonging to the two but under control. We must work for a living. 1 Thessalonians 4:11; Ephesians 4:28, 2 Thessalonians 3:10. The head must provide for the family with the help of the wife. 1Timothy 5:8, Proverbs 31:10-31. The money must be used to serve God with it. Mathew 6:19.  Christians must have the right attitude toward riches. 1Timothy 6:9-10. Christians must be good stewards of money. 1 Peter 4:10. Spending decisions should be done corporately and you should not over spent or be wasteful.


i.             Violence or physical force.
ii.           Explosive words Proverbs 15:1-2
iii.        Running away from the problem expecting it to solve itself
iv.         Running to parents or relations or a third party.
v.           Never test or tempt one another. It is God that test and the devil tempt.
vi.         Taking vengeance by taking the place of God. Romans 12:19-20, Deut 32:35.
vii.      Unrealistic expectations; that are don’t approach conflict with an idea that a neat 100% solution is always possible.
viii.    Fear of solving the problem
ix.        Dwelling on the past. If you don’t allow the past to pass, you will not pass your marital examination.
x.           Keeping silence in anger
xi.        Using the weapons of denial of sex.
xii.      Changing sleeping place or going to sleep with the children.
xiii.   Ignoring the problems hoping it will go away on its own.
xiv.    Self defense and shifting blames
xv.      Divorce or separation which the Bible abhors.

i.             Seek God’s help concerning the problems in prayers and how it can be resolved.

ii.           Evaluate the significance of the problem. Is worth discussing or it should be discarded?

iii.        Make your weak points your prayer points and not quarrel points.

iv.         The Devil had victory over the first family because of loneliness which was the essence of marriage. Genesis 2:18. It is not right to stay away from one another for long.

v.           Any home that will not form an altar of worship and prayers is already altered.

vi.         Examine yourself before you bring up the matter, may be you may be the problem or the one at fault to just apologize or first remove the beam in your eyes. Mathew 7:3-5. Ask self why you are interested in bringing up the matter. Is it for revenge or for the good of the other party and the family?

vii.      External conflict may not destroy a home but internal one. You must live inside conflict to enable you solve external conflict.

viii.    Admit your faults and apologize if you are wrong.

ix.        Unilateral forgiveness. Luke 23:34, Acts 7:60

x.           Be anxious to be the first to initial the reconciliation

xi.        Confront the problem and not yourselves. Confront the problem with tact, wisdom, humility and frankness.

xii.      Compromise on opinions and not on principles because you can never do anything against the truth.

xiii.   Love unconditionally and submit also unconditionally.

xiv.    Do not procrastinate because you don’t know when the master shall appear. Let not the sun go down. Ephesians 4:26.

xv.      Communicate carefully. When you speak with your mate over a problem, you should choose the word carefully.  Colossians 4:6. You must speak lovingly.

xvi.    Listen carefully to the response and considering the possibility that you might also be mistaken.

xvii. Seek a mutually acceptable solution as the key to solve problem is submissiveness. Ephesians 5:21.

xviii.     Learn to accept the situation.

xix.   Choose your word carefully and make sure it is the right time

xx.      The word sorry can save a lot of problems.

Conclusion: - Conflict is properly handled in the home; it will bring more joy and wisdom to the couples so that they will also be able to help others that are in the same problem. It will bring blessing in the home and you will know certain things that you don’t know before. 1 Peter 4:12, James 1:1-4. You will come out stronger than before out of the storm. 

By Pastor S.N. Maichibi

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