Recents in Beach



TEXT: - Genesis 2:18

INTRODUCTION: - According to Genesis 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25 God made everything and He said it was good. After God made man then he saw that what was created was very good (Genesis 1:31).For the first time God describe something as not good and it was for a man to be alone (Genesis 2:18).


1.      Many are married yet they are alone again and the essence of marriage is not to be alone. What advice can you give to people that are doing so? Genesis 2:18.

2.    It was when Eve was alone that she was tempted, may be if they were together the force against the enemy would have been more. Genesis 3:1-9.

3.    Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor Eccl 4:9

4.    When one fall the other will lift the other up. Eccl 4:10.

5.     Woe to him that is alone. Eccl 4:10

6.    No another to help him. Eccl 4:10.

7.     If two lie together they are warm. Eccl 4:11.

8.    Two shall withstand than one. Eccl 4:12

9.    A threefold cord is not quickly broken. Eccl. 4:12. The two of you plus God is the threefold cord that cannot be broken.

10.         If Nabal was alone, they would have killed him and the entire family; but thank God because of his wife Abigail .1 Samuel 25:14-37.

11.  If you pray at least there should be someone that should answer, Amen.

12.Abraham moved together with his wife despite all the difficulties including famine. Genesis 12:10. Isaac moved along with his wife despite all odds. Genesis 26:1-7.

13.If the wife of Noah separated away from her husband and wife of his children, there is a likely hood, the flood would have destroyed them.

14.The general overseer of a church organization went on preaching engagement abroad and wicked women pursued him about that they wanted to marry him. Since that day he learnt his lesson, he never travelled alone again. Talk more of a person that is not a preacher.

15. The devil is out to destroy even marriages that are God’s willed to each other. The husband and wife must join together. Live together and deal with the enemy together. Genesis 2:18. It was when Eve was alone that Satan tempted her. The serpent got Eve because Adam was absent.

16.The devil is out to steal, kill and destroy. John 10:10 and you must join hands together and defeat the enemy instead of fighting the Devil alone.

17. The family that prays together stays together but how can you pray together if you don’t leave together?

18.When you want to succeed in your marriage, make your weak points your prayer points and not your quarrel points or they will become your melting points. Don’t look at the weakness of one another as no one is perfect. If you don’t allow the past to pass, your marriage can never have a pass mark.

19.Let the joy of your marriage be beyond children and material things. If a gossiper comes to gossip your wife to you on sighting her, he will go back but in her absent he will get the boldness to do it.

20.       You receive comfort when you are together. Genesis 24:67.

21.Iron sharpens an iron. Proverbs 27:17.

22.        One can chase thousand but two ten thousand. Deut 32:30, Lev 26:8. By implication if married couples are separated, they will only chase one thousand each making two thousand instead of ten thousand leaving eight thousand enemies not dealt with. We are expected to watch and pray and not enter into temptation. The attack on the family is a direct attack on the church and the society also. When you are together, you can tell your dream positive and negative to each other for the purpose of prayer warfare.

1.      The spouse that are together but hardly do anything together. They don’t pray together or fast together. When the husband said let us pray then she will say pray, I will pray later or vice versa.

They are the family that they are together but they don’t talk together. They are just like cotenants living in the same compound but not as husbands and wife.


During wedding we are always reminded, “Till death do us part”. This is not a joke as it is a statement of fact. This usually happen mostly in old age.  You will first live with your children and one by one the female members will get married and the male members will also marry and find their own home and leave father and mother alone. This is the stage that the spouse must hook one another much and prepare one another for heaven. And ultimately all of you will not die one day and one will be left alone and trust God to the end of your life on earth.

CONCLUSION: - You are still too young but you are separating yourself from one another. The Bible said, “Enjoy life with your wife whom you love all the days of your life”. Eccl 9:9-10, Proverbs 5:18. You cannot enjoy life when you are separate from one another but you can endure it if it is the wish of the two of you but God’s standard is staying together. God has not called you to endure but to enjoy life together.

By Pastor S.N. Maichibi

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